Friday, May 27, 2011

The Expendables

"Only an idiot would do this job."

The Expendables:

Barney Ross: Sylvester Stallone
Lee Christmas: Jason Statham
Yin Yang: Jet Li
Gunner Jensen: Dolph Lundgren
Hale Caesar: Terry Crews
Toll Road: Randy Couture

The Expendables was originally set to be released in April '10 but was pushed to August. I'm not quite sure why but it seems fitting that it would be the last team based movie of the summer.

Top-lined by Sylvester Stallone (hot off successful returns to his Rocky and Rambo characters) and featuring a varied assortment of movie and real life tough guys The Expendables promised a return to the action movies of the 1980s. And return it did. There's something for every action fan here as there are plenty of one-liners, gunshots, explosions and tough guy posturing. The plot (which is nothing more than an excuse to start firing guns) revolves around the team's mission to overthrow a dictator in a fictional South American country.

Stallone handled the co-writing and directing duties, bringing his unmistakable (see the character names) stamp to the project. He also left his ego at the door as everyone here gets a chance to shine. Highlights include the team's opening mission involving an encounter with Somalian pirates, Statham's dismantling of a bunch of interchangeable tough guys on a basketball court, and a great brawl (actually they are all pretty great but I'm staying slightly spoiler free) between Stallone and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Exploding out of the gate and barely stopping to let the viewer catch their breathe The Expendables brought a satisfying end to the summer of team based movies.

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