Monday, April 11, 2005

Here's the Thing...

In hold 'em poker I've learned it's best:

to play AK (suited or not) very fast before the flop. If you don't connect with the flop, take a stab at the pot and if you get called seriously think about checking the rest of the way. You'll save lots of money.

to also play AA pretty fast pre-flop unless you're last to act and no one has raised it yet. Then you can probably limp in. Depending on how the hand plays out, you should be able to control the table.

to not fall in love with any pair below 77. If you do you might end up in a lot of trouble.

to play low suited connectors or any gapped cards whenever possible.

to always mix up your play. It's never good to be predictable.

to watch your opponents. You'll learn a lot.

to gamble as little as possible.

to disregard any of this info if you ever sit at the poker table with me.


stella said...

wow, that advice works on love & dating as well! ;)

stella said...

oh, except for the last line, of course!

CRAIG said...

Always a pleasure to see you've stopped by, Stella...

I can definately see some of these pointers working in the dating scene as well.

Especially the last one!