Wednesday, April 06, 2005

More than Meets the Eye

It's clear that we are approaching the end of days. The news is filled with nothing but stories of human suffering and daily natural disasters. Paris Hilton is a reluctant, yet successful, adult film star and Ashton Kutcher still has a career.

It's fire and brimstone people. The stuff that the Bible only hinted at. And just when it seems that it can't get any worse it has been announced that Michael Bay has signed on to direct a live action movie version of the Transformers. That's right, those robots in disguise that we all loved as kids are getting the big screen treatment.

Bad idea.

Now I have nothing against Michael Bay, in fact I happen to enjoy most of his work. Who couldn't love Martin Lawrence and Will Smith hamming it up in Bad Boys 1 and 2, or Ben Affleck and his ridiculous capped teeth in Armageddon?

The major problem here is that the Transformers are an absurd concept that will make for nothing more than a big budget, CGI-filled action film with a core audience who were hankering for a live action adaptation 20 years ago.

But what do I know about what film audiences want anyway? Example: When I saw the trailer for The Sixth Sense I nearly cried out loud in the theatre, "Please not another turkey that no one wants to see!"

I have no expectations that the Transformers movie will be any good, or even watchable, but I guess it could be worse... They also could have announced that Asthon Kutcher was the lead. (insert rimshot)

Thank you and good night!


Strutter71 said...

I'm still holding out for a live-action G.I. Joe, with Michael Clarke Duncan as Roadblock, George Clooney as Duke, Famke Janssen as Scarlet, Ed Harris as Hawk, Willem Dafoe as Cobra Commander, and Ashton Kutcher as Snake Eyes.

Guy Hutchinson said...

Interesting take on it. I have to admit that I think it is an AWESOME idea.

T-_Bone said...

I though this column would be about cool Ahhnold films

CRAIG said...

Nice casting on the Joe movie...

The more I think about this Transformers movie the more I realize that in order for it to work it will need some strong human characters for the audience to identify with.

End of Days. Definately a great Ahnuld movie!