Thursday, December 02, 2010

My Favorite Movie Moments - Kong in King Kong (1933)

Part of an ongoing series documenting some of my favorite movie moments. Be warned that just about every entry will contain spoilers.

On an expedition to the remote Skull Island filmmaker Carl Denham (Robert Armstrong) and his crew discover Kong (the creation of stop motion pioneer Willis O'Brien and a team of talented technicians), the most dangerous beast on an island full of them. The island's natives think that Denham's lead actress, the blond Ann Darrow (Faye Wray) would make a perfect sacrifice to Kong. The natives kidnap Ann and offer her to the beast. Instead of eating her Kong becomes enamored with the strange blond creature.

Starting around the 1hr 02 minute mark Kong battles a T-rex in what stands as one of the most thrilling battles in cinema history. The battle ends when Kong breaks and crushes the T-rex's jaw. After it is dead, Kong lifts the T-rex's lifeless head and moves the jaw back and forth, seemingly fascinated with the way it once worked.

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