Thursday, August 24, 2006

So how many are there?

So it seems that Pluto isn't a planet anymore. Now I know that some of the world's leading astronomers voted on this, but shouldn't the common man have a say too? I mean this is Pluto that we are talking about. Sure it's small, but does that make it any less of a planet? What's next a call-in reality show where we eliminate planets until only one is left?


Noreen said...

hope this isn't a duplicate posting, my first attempt gave me the dreaded PAGE NOT FOUND message.

Personally, I think Pluto should be "grandfathered" in. Make all new planets have to meet the new standards, but we need Pluto on the team. After all, there are solar systems with bigger, better and more numerous planets who will beat us to a bloody pulp in the Universal Olympics. Let's keep Pluto on the bench, maybe on special teams, but still suited up.

T-_Bone said...

Sorry Craig, but I have been saying for years the Pluto is a Kuiper Belt Object. It's not the size, because as I am sure you have heard size does not matter, but that damned erratic orbit. Sorry, but the egg heads got this one right. Pluto has overstayed its welcome in the planet party, and has been discovered to be unworthy.

Strutter71 said...

I think it's all a scam perpetrated by the McGraw/Hill publishing company. They stand to make BILLIONS of dollars from every school in the country having to order newly-printed text books declaring that there are only 8 planets. Curiously, the publication date will listed as one week before the official announcement. I think those scientists are all on the take.

Unknown said...

I've grown rather attached to ol' Pluto Through the years. How can they just vote it off the solar system? Now, what on earth will we tell our children that their very educated mother just served us 9 of? Pizza's just don't have the charm of Pizza pies.

T-_Bone said...

Here is the real question. Is CRAIG still alive!

CRAIG said...

CRAIG or Craig?
Fear not, I'm alive, well and too busy and/or lazy to update here as much as I should. Weak, I know.

In lieu of an actual post I'll let you know that I have been living on a steady diet of this great band called Deerhoof. Sadly 95% of the population would consider their stuff unlistenable. If you're into being challenged check 'em out.