Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Not So Super Moments in Superman Cinema

So today marks the release of the long awaited Superman Returns. The 5th installment of the series produced by Warner Brothers Pictures picks up roughly 5 years after the events in part 2. That's right, the filmmakers decided to disregard the continuity from parts 3 and 4. Tragic, I know.

And before I go on a tear ripping apart the third and forth sequels, I'd like to point out that all 4 of the previous films contain some not so stellar moments. So here they are, in particular order, the worst moments in Superman movie history.

5: In the first film of the series Superman flies around the planet in an effort to reverse the rotation of the Earth in hopes that he can also reverse time.

Now I'm no scientist but the logic behind this seemed ridiculous to me when I was 6 and it still seems ridiculous to me now.

4: Another moment from the fist film involves Superman visiting Lois Lane on her balcony and taking her for a little late night flight. During the scene Lois' thoughts are presented to the viewer as voice over.


3: After revealing his true identity to Lois during the events of Part 2 Superman uses telepathy to erase that knowledge from her mind.


2: In attempt at some comedic relief during Part 3 Richard Pryor skis on the roof of a Manhattan high rise.

If they wanted Chevy Chase in the flick they should have just hired Chevy Chase. I know that Pryor is one of the greatest comedians ever, but the physical gags in this sequence just don't work.

1: In the 4th film Gene Hackman's Lex Luther creates a superman of his own to battle Superman. In his first scene the nuclear-powered goon speaks and has Hackman's voice.

There are many moments from Part 4 that could have made this list but hearing Hackman's voice come out of this meatball's mouth takes the cake.


Guy Hutchinson said...

Very good list. My favorite moments include Superman taking his shield off and throwing it. When he tosses it it becomes a giant sheet of saran wrap.

I also like Zod being banished into what appears to be an LP cover and shot into space.

Strutter71 said...

Great post. Just got back from "Superman Returns," go check it out for my thoughts.

T-_Bone said...

When are we going to get a "Green Lantern" movie?!?!?