Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Part of a continuing series documenting my successes and failures at my weekly poker game.

Last week's game was uneventful and not worth writing about. I played fairly bad poker and placed out of the money once again. This week's game was better though. We played on Saturday night, and this helped my game. I was relaxed and more focused since I wasn't jumping into a game right after work.

I was dealt unsuited connectors first hand and stuck around for the flop. I connected with the board and had the potential to make my straight. I called all the way to the river and ended up making the straight. I took a big pot and was off to a good start.

I felt that I played the hand well and was glad that I "gambled" on hitting a card early in the game and for a relatively cheap price. With a bigger chip stack I could tighten up and play a more conservative game. Which isn't to say that I didn't play. I played a lot of hands, but didn't get involved in big pots where I had to chase cards.

I ended up finishing second for the night when I went all in when I made a pair of jacks. They didn't hold up to my opponent's aces.

Overall I am very happy with the way that I played. It was my best game of the year and provided me with a much needed boost in confidence. If I bring this game every week I'll be in great shape.

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