Monday, October 11, 2004

Quote Me, Please

If you're only planning to see one movie this year that stars both Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon, see Taxi.

I'd been waiting to see Taxi ever since I saw the trailer way back in August. It looked like the kind of stupid funny that is normally right up my alley. I went to the movies every weekend in hopes that I would catch the trailer, and I probably ended up seeing it at least a dozen times. In fact, I could probably reenact the entire thing. If you ever catch me on the street, and I have some free time, I'll give you one heck of a show.

After patiently waiting for the film to open, I finally caught it on Saturday. I was not disappointed. Taxi is a fun movie and is one of the most original buddy movies in years. Queen Latifah perfectly played straight woman to Jimmy Fallon's wacky cop character.

So if you like funny movies and got extra dough in your pocket, check it out.


T-_Bone said...

Shirley, you cant be serious

CRAIG said...

I am, T. And Shirley you don't think I am going to finish your joke.