Tuesday, July 27, 2004

On Showgirls

Showgirls is a joke...

At least that's what MGM wants you to think. Today the studio released a limited edition DVD with special features that include commentary by real live strippers, a lap dance tutorial, and a slew of other extras that frame the movie as one big joke. Don't believe it. Call it a bad movie if you will, but don't call it a joke.

Showgirls, released in '95, was the creation of writer Joe Eszterhas and director Paul Verhoeven. At the time MGM had high hopes for the project that was envisioned as the first "commercially viable" NC-17 film. Verhoeven was the perfect director, bringing a European touch to the Eszterhas script that told the story of Nomi, a stripper who had dreams of escaping her past and achieving stardom in Vegas, baby.

MGM got what they paid for. They got lots of adult language and T 'n A. They got characters who were exaggerated stereo types that spewed hilarious dialogue and were capable of committing acts of extreme violence. In short, they funded and got the biggest exploitation film ever made, and for that they should be proud.

In addition to the pricey Limited Edition you can pick up Showgirls on DVD for under ten bucks.


CRAIG said...

Thanks for the comment...
I need to find me some of those work-related events or sporting events where lap dances are cheerfully served up!

T-_Bone said...

I don't know if the lap dance tutorial is such a good thing, but I am curious to see it. This is one activity best left to professionals who get that esoteric training that goes on behind closed doors.