Monday, December 20, 2010

My Favorite Movie Moments - Halloween (1978)

Part of an ongoing series documenting some of my favorite movie  moments. Be warned that just about every entry will contain spoilers.

John Carpenter's Halloween was the first film in the "Golden Age" of slasher films. Sure we had seen slashers on screen before it, but after the surprise runaway success of Halloween the slasher film would become the go to sub-genre within horror for the next dozen years.

The film finds Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) babysitting a pair of kids on Halloween night. All is going well until an unwelcome visitor comes to town with bloodshed on his mind. At the 1hr 16 minute mark Laurie discovers some of her friend's corpses. Backed against a wall and trying to process what she has seen, a figure slowly appears from the darkness. In a great movie moment Carpenter and Cinematographer Dean Cundy have made it seem like our eyes are starting to adjust to the darkness that fills the house.

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