Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Exhumed Films' 25 Hour Horror-Thon 2008 Part 3

2:20am: "This is unbelievable."

9th Feature: The Boogeyman (1980)

Cool 80s slasher flick.

Short film: Disciples of the Crow

4:00am: "I can't understand this."

10th Feature: Island of the Damned (1976)

Probably the only film that ran that I shouldn't comment on. I slept through most of it and took a few laps to stay awake. The ending was pretty effective, but this still seemed like a real snoozer.

5:00am: "She's gone crazy! She's an animal!"

11th Feature: Equinox (1970)

This was a film that I had been wanting to see. A stundent short that was later expanded, the film features Herb from "WKRP in Cincinnati" and the stop motion effects work of Dennis Muren.

Breakfast Break
An episode of The Superfriends cartoon: The Superfriends meet Frankenstein.
I head outside and anticipate picking up one of the great breakfast burritos from the cafe. Sadly they are not serving them this year. I order a bagel with cream cheese instead and grab a bowl of free Fruity Pepples provided by the folks at Exhumed.

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