Monday, November 28, 2005

Ten Years After

A full eleven years since they were eligible Black Sabbath will finally be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this winter. Despite Ozzy's protests and an intense critical hatred the band that nearly invented a genre is deservedly being recognized for their contribution to rock and roll. I can't imagine what heavy music would be like today had they not paved the way. Congrats, mates!


Strutter71 said...

It's about freaking time. The Hall of Fame shouldn't be a popularity contest or a political ass-kissing contest. Sabbath should have been in years ago for the simple reason that they are one of the most influential hard rock bands EVER. Now that Sabbath's in, maybe Jann Wenner will pull his head out of his ass, Hell will freeze over, and they'll let KISS in.

Janet said...

I've never been a huge Sabbath fan, but considering their influence on music since it seems like such a logical choice.

stella said...

I have newfound respect for Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. Great mention!