Sunday, August 15, 2004

Editorial Guidance

I've fancied myself a writer for a few years now. In the past 10 years or so, I've written a handful of short stories and a novel (none of which have seen print). And then I sat back and rested on my laurels. I didn't have any great ideas that I felt were worth writing about, and unless I had a reason to write, I wouldn't. I did want to become a better writer, though, and the only way to do that is by writing a lot.

And that is the purpose of this blog. It gives me a reason to write five days a week, and to work on longer pieces that I post once a month.

It's hard to exist in a vacuum, though, and even though the comments I receive are great, I've found real critical feedback on the actual writing itself to be lacking. I've also realized that even though I am writing on a daily basis, developing style more than anything else, I am not really improving as a writer.

With that said, I would like to welcome denibisimo aka Lizzy to "Always the Last in Line." She began editing my daily posts last week. Since then, Lizzy has helped me find weaknesses in my writing, and has also offered suggestions that have helped my posts become tighter and more concise. With this new editorial guidance I am on my way to becoming a better writer, and I couldn't be more excited.

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