Monday, June 14, 2004

Bragging Rights?

I think this story is pretty amazing.

The guy that won must feel pretty good right now. Not only can he go around saying that he beat 47 horses in a race, but he's also 25,000 pounds richer. He's probably pretty popular with his family, and I can't imagine that the ladies haven't taken an interest either.

He beat 47 horses in a marathon!

Man, if I was him I wouldn't strive to do anything ever again. I would become fat and lazy, and I would constantly remind people that I beat a bunch of horses in a marathon.

And how must the horses feel? Can you imagine being the horse that had to go home and tell its family that it lost a race to a human?

Of course you can't; horses don't talk!

1 comment:

Guy Hutchinson said...

I beat a horse at basketball the other day, and we were playing H.O.R.S.E.